Prior to launching new products or implementing fresh production lines, operators undergo training to ensure success and prevent issues. It's puzzling that similar training isn't provided for the most valuable asset – the employees. Developing a strong Measurement System Analysis (MSA) process significantly enhances data quality, reduces waste, and improves the bottom line. A comprehensive and robust MSA process is crucial, and receiving training from experienced Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) increases the likelihood of success. Quality-One offers top-notch MSA Training, suitable for newcomers and those seeking to refine their skills in the MSA process.

Learning Outcome

Upon completion of the course, participants will:
1. Understand the statistical properties of measurement systems
2. Understand how measurement systems errors can affect the quality of the output data leading to incorrect decisions
3. Understand the different approaches used for both attribute and variable measurement systems
4. Understand the sources of measurement systems error

Course Outline:

Course Content/Outline:
Session 1: Introduction of Measurement Systems
• Measurement Process and System
• Fundamentals of MSA
Session 2: Bias, Linearity and Stability Study
• Bias
• Linearity
• Stability
• Workshop 1: Bias and Linearity Study
Session 3: Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility (GRR) Study
• Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility (GRR)
• GRR Planning
• GRR Step by Step
• Workshop 2: GRR study
Session 4: MSA Interpretation
• Effectiveness of Measurement Systems
• Non-repeatable MSA
• Destructive MSA
• Q & A

Course Certification

Participants will be issued with a certificate of attendance