This training program is designed to provide participants with essential knowledge and skills to prevent hearing loss in the workplace and effectively conduct audiometric testing. Throughout this training, we will explore various topics, including the mechanics of hearing, the effects of noise exposure on hearing, the importance of a hearing conservation program, and the procedures for audiometric testing. By the end of this training, participants will be equipped with practical tools and strategies to protect workers' hearing, interpret audiometric results, and implement preventive measures. Get ready to enhance your understanding of hearing loss prevention and audiometric testing for a safer and healthier workplace!

Learning Outcome

Upon completion of the course, participants will:
1. Understanding hearing mechanism and the effects of noise exposure.
2. Identifying causes and types of hearing loss.
3. Implementing effective hearing conservation programs.
4. Conducting audiometric testing and interpreting results.
5. Applying personal hearing protection and ensuring maintenance procedures

Course Outline:

1. Occupational Safety & Health Regulation (Noise Exposure)2019
• Duties of employer and employee
• Identification of excessive noise
• Exposure monitoring

2. Hearing Mechanism and Its Effects
• Mechanics of hearing
• Effects of noise exposure on the hearing
• Causes and types of hearing loss

3. Hearing Conservation Program Management
• The need of hearing conservation program
• Legal aspects of hearing conservation program
• 3Elements of an effective program

4. Audiometric Testing
• Purpose and procedure of audiometric testing
• Explanation on the audiometric results and preventive measures

5. Personal Hearing Protection (PHP)
• The purpose of PHP
• Types of PHP
• Hearing protection zone
• Inspection and maintenance procedure

Course Certification

Participants will be issued with a certificate of attendance